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Another Miss Universe Contestant Says She Was Fat-Shamed By Donald Trump

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A second Miss Universe contestant has come forward to claim that she was fat-shamed by Donald Trump.

Jodie Seal, who was Miss Australia in the 1996 event, told Inside Edition that the future Republican presidential nominee called the girls “some pretty horrible names.”

“He said to me, ‘suck your stomach in, or suck your gut in,’” she recalled. “He always wanted us to be sexy.”

She also described him as “controlling.”

“He’d walk by while we were eating,” Seal said. “He put a lot of the girls down.”

Trump is currently embroiled in a controversy over one of Seal’s fellow competitors. Alicia Machado, who won the event as Miss Venezuela, said Trump called her “Miss Piggy” for gaining weight after winning, and “Miss Housekeeping” because of her Latina heritage.

At one point after the competition, he even brought in reporters to watch her exercise.

Hillary Clinton mentioned the insults during Monday night’s debate, and the following day, Trump doubled-down on his comments, saying Machado “gained a massive amount of weight.”

Seal said Machado “weighed less than I did, during the pageant, after the pageant. There’s no way she was big.”

Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims — 1.6 billion members of an entire religion — from entering the U.S.

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